Practice Services
- Acupuncture
- Acute Medical Conditions
- Antenatal Shared Care
- Asthma Education
- Cancer screening – skin cancers
- Check-ups
- Counselling and Mental Health Support (inc youth)
- Cryotherapy: Freezing for sunspots and warts
- Dermatoscopy: Skin Checks
- Diabetic Care
- ECG: Heart Check and Chest Pain
- Family Planning
- Health Promotion
- Medicals: Licence, Pre-Employment, Annual
- Men’s Health
- Minor Surgery: Repairing Wounds and Removing Moles
- Pain Management
- Quit Smoking Program
- Sleep Apnoea: Snoring Assessment
- Spirometry: Lung Test
- Sports Medicine
- Travel health advice and vaccinations
- Vaccination: Routine, Children and Travel, Yellow Fever
- Weight Control
- Women’s Health: Pap Smears, Pregnancy Tests, Breast Examinations
Some doctors provide daily hospital visits. AMC is also a training practice and we frequently have medical students and doctors training for rural general practice. AMC also periodically employs locums for periods of doctor’s absence from the practice.

Other Services Available
- Home Visits
- Health Assessments
- 18 months, 4 years, 45-49years, Aboriginal, +75years, Home
- Health Care plans
- Chronic Disease, Mental Health
- 24 hr BP Monitor
- Nursing Home/Aged Care visits (Tanunda Lutheran Home/Barossa Village)
- Anaesthetics
- Long Appointments
- New Patients

Support Services
Visiting specialties to Angaston Hospital
- Cardiology
- Gastroenterology
- Gynaecology
- Orthopaedic Surgeons
- Psychology
- Nephrology
- Plastic Surgeon
- General Surgeons
- Urology
- Australian Clinical Labs – Murray Street
- Mon to Fri 8am – 1pm
- PH: 8564 2021
- SA Pathology – Health on Washington
- Mon – Fri 8am – 12.30pm
- Sat 8.30am – 11.30am
- PH: 7503 0725
- Fax: 7503 0726
Murray Street
- Allied health – Psychiatrist, Dietician and Rheumatologist.